AGnVET offer an extensive range of lick blocks, loose mixes and liquid supplements to meet your desired production outcomes.
Molasses, salt and various protein sources are used to provide a balanced intake to suit various pasture types.
Supplements range in purpose from production feeding, maintenance feeding and specific metabolic disease prevention. Our Animal Health team can assist to match the supplement to your system.
Lick Blocks
We offer an extensive range of molasses and salt based blocks varying in concentrations and hardness to suit your specific production requirements.
Our Animal Health team can work through the subtle ingredient variations in the blocks to provide the appropriate block for your system. Lick blocks provide a convenient, cost effective, low intake method of:
- Supplementing dry feed
- Supplementing green feed
- Preventing metabolic disorders (ie bloat, grass tetany)
Loose Lick / Powdered Supplements
AGnVET offer a variety of Loose Lick supplements to match specific outcomes and can work through the subtle ingredient variations and features in the mixes to determine which mix suits your system.
Salt, Molasses, Carbohydrates and varying forms of protein contribute to providing a convenient, cost effective, low intake production boost.
Features include:
- Supplement weather resistance
- Mycotoxin inhibitors
- Organic and / or Inorganic ingredients
- Supplement weather resistance
- Mycotoxin inhibitors
- Organic and / or Inorganic ingredients
Liquid Supplements
AGnVET provide a range of liquid supplements to match your animal production requirements.
Historically renowned for Northern Australian Dry Feed Supplementation, our team can advise on the subtle ingredient variations to determine the appropriate supplement for your system. Liquid supplements can provide a convenient, cost effective method of:
- Supplementing dry feed
- Supplementing green feed
- Preventing metabolic disorders (ie bloat, grass tetany)
- Balancing grain rations