AGnVET Footy Tipping Competition
The AGnVET Footy Competition is on again and it’s FREE to participate! There will $3000 in cash prizes up for grabs across 2 competitions, NRL & AFL.
To participate in the 2025 Footy Tipping Competition you will need to be an existing user at footytips.com.au or sign-up for a new account.
Previous participants of the AGnVET 2024 AFL/NRL competitions will be entered automatically – so if you were involved in these previous years, just login at footytips.com.au and start tipping.
New participants can join our competitions by simply filling in the form below. You will then be taken to the footytips.com.au site where you can join the Official AGnVET AFL and NRL comps using the password ‘avstips25’.
This competition is open to customers, staff and associates of the AGnVET Group of companies (this includes family members and friends of staff). If we cannot verify your eligibility based on this criteria we reserve the right to remove any ineligible participants from the competition.
Competition Details
Prizes – Total Prize Pool – $3000
Official AGnVET NRL
1st Prize – $800
2nd Prize – $450
3rd Prize – $250
Official AGnVET AFL
1st Prize – $800
2nd Prize – $450
3rd Prize – $250
Prize Allocation
At the completion of the competition the tipsters with the highest rankings will be declared the winners for each prize category. The competition will finish on completion of the Finals Series and Grand Final. In the case of a tie, the winners will be ranked according to margins selected.
Bonus Points
1 Bonus point is awarded to tipsters who tip a perfect round throughout the competition.
Joker Round
Tipsters are allocated 1 ‘Joker Round’. Once played, the joker will double the score for the round it is used on.
You can choose your joker round by using the ‘Set Joker’ button which appears above the competition ladder on the ‘Ladder’ tab.
What if I forget to to put my tips in??
Tipsters will receive the away teams for any game that has not been tipped, but there is a maximum score of 5 points a player can get for this.
Terms & Conditions
Winners need to be verified by an AGnVET, I K Caldwell AGnVET, Darling Irrigation, Wheelhouse AGnVET, Walkers AGnVET, Kellys AGnVET, Polycon Engineering or AGnVET Rural employee as being associated with the AGnVET Services Group as a customer, client, supplier, family member or close associate.
Prizes will not be paid out to winning participants unless the winner can be verified by a participant nominated AGnVET Group employee.
Competition organisers – AGnVET Management Services Pty Limited (ACN 87 675 465) reserve the right to remove any participant from the competition if verification cannot be provided on request.
For further information just ask one of our friendly staff at your local AGnVET, I K Caldwell AGnVET, Darling Irrigation, Wheelhouse AGnVET, Walkers AGnVET, Kellys AGnVET, Polycon Engineering or AGnVET Rural branch.