AGnVET offer an extensive range of pelletised and mash grain additives from leading supplement providers.
Many factors will influence the type of grain additive required in a feeding system:
- Mixing ability & delivery
- Feeding infrastructure – bunkers / self feeders
- Total Mixed Ration (TMR) v Ingredient provided separately
- Fibre provided / fibre free
- Class of stock
- Expected performance
Our Animal Health team can assist by working through your objectives before recommending the appropriate additive for your situation.
Customised Rations, Induction Programmes and Finishing Systems can be discussed with our Animal Production Adviser team and Supplier Nutritionists as required. Our Animal Health team can combine the knowledge of your existing feed sources and your feeding system to recommend an appropriate grain additive to:
- Maximise liveweight gain
- Minimise feed conversion efficiency
- Minimise mortality
- Minimise morbidity
Pelletised Additives
AGnVET offer an extensive range of <4mm pelletised sheep and cattle grain balancing additives to ensure that your feeding system is running safely, efficiently and most importantly profitably. The pellets will vary slightly in mineral and vitamin content and vary in rumen buffering capacity and protein supply. Your existing feed sources will dictate the inclusion rate of the additive, most commonly varying from 2% > 5% inclusion.
Powdered Additives / Premixes
AGnVET provide a range of powdered sheep and cattle grain balancing additives to ensure that your feeding system is running safely, efficiently and most importantly profitably.
Like pellets, the powdered additives will also vary slightly in mineral, vitamin content & protein supply. Our Animal Health team can combine the knowledge of your existing feed sources and your feeding system to come up with the appropriate premix.